Thursday, August 22, 2013

Vinegar Fire Daily Update

The Vinegar fire is located approximately 6.5 miles southwest of Granite, Oregon. It is burning in the Greenhorn Unit of the North Fork John Day Wilderness Area. There are 547 people assigned to work on the fire. On Friday, ORIIMT4 will be released from the fire and ORIIMT2 will take command under the leadership of Incident Commander Brett Fillis. Team 2 is shadowing members of Team 4 today in order to assure a smooth transition. This will be the last update from ORIIMT4.

Morning Briefing August 21, 2013
There were fewer spot fires found yesterday under calm winds. Today begins a transition to a more unstable system of thunderstorms in the area. A Red Flag Warning is in effect for the majority of eastern Oregon. Light showers are possible today, with thunderstorms likely by mid-afternoon. Along with the thunderstorms, firefighters are prepared for shifting winds up to 50 mph and small hail. Downdrafts from a thunderstorm can affect the fire behavior from as much as 20 miles away. Rain could be heavy at times with a 40% chance of rain by tonight. The expected weather pattern may limit the use of air resources on the fire today.

A 200 foot fuelbreak will be completed on the southeast side of the fire near the community of Greenhorn. Greenhorn and Alamo residents remain under a Level 1 evacuation notice. Masticators and feller bunchers will complete preparations of primary and secondary containment lines along the 10 and 1310 roads today.

Basic Information
Incident TypeWildfire
Date of OriginWednesday August 14th, 2013 approx. 11:00 AM
Location27 miles NE of John Day, OR
Incident CommanderBrian J. Watts
Current Situation
Total Personnel547
Size1,059 acres
Estimated Containment DateFriday August 30th, 2013 approx. 12:00 AM
Fuels InvolvedTimber (litter and understory)Subalpine fir with dead and down.
Fire BehaviorActive fire behavior with torching and spotting.
Significant EventsGreenhorn and Alamo remain in a level I. Area and road closure in effect. Construction of secondary an primary containment lines in Branch II.
Planned ActionsPoint protection, finish construction of containment lines on east side of fire. Continue contingency line preparation.
Growth PotentialHigh
Terrain DifficultyHigh
RemarksTransition to Oregon IIMT Team 2 (Fillis) will occur at 0600 8/23/2013.
Current Weather
Wind Conditions17 mph NW
Temperature85 degrees

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